Travelian Tours located in Vicente Araiza #65, intersection with M. Rocha Fracc. La Lejona 2ª Sección San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato C.P. 37765, recognizes the importance of legitimate treatment, controlled and reported of personal data of its customers and web site users, and provides its privacy notice for you to know their practices to obtain, use, store and, in general, to manage your personal information, in conformity with the Federal Law of Protection of private personal data in possession and other applicable regulations (in forward the ”Law”) COLLECTING PERSONAL INFORMATION We do not collect personal information when browsing our website; however, there are certain sections within your personal information is requested. Especially, when registering in any tour with us, sending us an e-mail, registering to receive information of interest or our newsletter; as well as those aimed to establish a business relationship, customer/user.
PURPOSES OR USES OF THE DATA PERSONAL We can use your personal information for various purposes, depending on the particular circumstances in which it is collected; always obeying to the relationship we have with you and the specific privacy notice, which, in its case, is put at your disposal. Necessary purposes when you: Visit our facilities: Get in contact with us: To reply to your questions and comments. To send you our newsletter informative. USE OF TRACKING TECHONOLOGIES When you browse on our web site, certain non-personal data is collected through “cookies” and “server logs”. This information is obtained by the simple use and interaction with our Web site and the information that is collected may include Internet Protocol address, your operating system, type of browser, information about its location (provided by mobile devices) and the route that you follow during the time spent on our site. These data are collected only for the following purposes: Generating statistics on visits to our web site, at the time spent on it, and the sites of reference that can have you brought to ours. This information is also used to maintain and update the profiles of the users, and to adapt or personalize the information provided hereby. Go to the "Tools" menu; give click in "delete data of navigation", select the option "delete cookies and other data of sites and of accessories", give click in "accept". To disable or block these mechanisms can cause our site may not work properly. To learn more about the topic, see
For your convenience, our website may contain links to other web sites. Travelian has not revised their Privacy Notice of such web sites, consequently Travelian does not guarantee nor makes responsible of the content on such sites. We invite you to read carefully the Privacy Notice of each of the sites you visit on the Internet. Keep in mind also that to click on icons of social or similar networks, your information will be transferred automatically to such sites. For example, the button "like" on Facebook, transmits the information directly to this company. TRANSFERS OF PERSONAL DATA Travelian may transfer your personal data to third parties that maintain a legal relationship, only in order to fulfill the purposes described in the Privacy Notice. Travelian may also transfer your personal information in the cases specifically provided for in the Law. SAFETY MEASURES Travelian has adopted and maintains safety measures, administrative, technical and physical, necessary and available to protect personal data against damage, loss, alteration, destruction or use, access or unauthorized treatment.
RIGHTS CONCERNING TO YOUR PERSONAL DATA As the holder of personal data, you can exercise before the Travelian person in charge of personal data, the rights of Access, rectification, cancellation and opposition ("ARCO” rights). Also, you can revoke, at any time, the consent that has been granted and that is necessary for the treatment of your data, as well as limit the use or disclosure thereof. The previous, by sending your request in the terms established by the Law to the e-mail: or the specified address in the first paragraph. For an easy reference, ARCO rights are described below: Rectification.- that your personal data should be corrected or updated in case of being inaccurate or incomplete. Cancellation.- that your personal data are terminated, total or partially, Travelian databases when considering that they are not being treated in accordance with the principles and duties established by law. Oposition.- oppose for legitimate reasons to the treatment of your personal data. If you want to know the requirements and procedures for the exercise of ARCO rights, contact us.
CHANGES TO THE PRIVACY NOTICE Substantial changes in the present Privacy Notice will be communicated through our web site CONTACT If you have questions or comments regarding the Privacy Notice, please contact the Department of Protection of Personal Data, via the following e-mail address: or at the address previously specified. |
Travelian Tours con domicilio en Vicente Araiza #65, Esq. Con M. Rocha Fracc. La Lejona 2ª Sección San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato C.P. 37765, reconoce la importancia que tiene el tratamiento legítimo, controlado e informado de los datos personales de sus clientes y usuarios de nuestro sitio web, y pone a sus disposición el presente Aviso de Privacidad, a fin de que conozca sus prácticas al obtener, usar, almacenar y, en general, tratar sus datos personales, de conformidad con la Ley Federal de Protección de Datos Personales en Posesión de los Particulares y demás normatividad aplicable (en adelante “la Ley”). DATOS PERSONALES QUE RECABAMOS
FINALIDADES Y/O USOS DE LOS DATOS PERSONALES Finalidades necesarias cuando Usted: Visita nuestras instalaciones: Para controlar el acceso y mantener la seguridad en nuestras instalaciones. Para dar contestación a sus dudas y comentarios. Sus datos también podrán ser utilizados para las siguientes finalidades secundarias, siempre que otorgue su consentimiento: Para enviarle nuestro boletín informativo.
USO DE TECNOLOGÍAS DE SEGUIMIENTO Es posible deshabilitar estas tecnologías de seguimiento en todo tipo de buscadores; sin embargo, para ejemplificar se señalan a continuación los pasos que hay que seguir para deshabilitarlas en Google Chrome: Ir al menú “Herramientas”; dar clic en “borrar datos de navegación”, seleccionar la opción “eliminar cookies y otros datos de sitios y de complementos”, dar clic en “aceptar”. Al deshabilitar o bloquear estos mecanismos se puede ocasionar que nuestro sitio no funcione correctamente. Para saber más sobre el tema, consulte Enlaces a otros sitios web Nuestro sitio web puede contener, para su conveniencia, enlaces a otros sitios web. Travelian no ha revisado los Avisos de Privacidad de dichos sitios web, por lo que no garantiza ni se hace responsable del contenido en tales sitios. Lo invitamos a que lea cuidadosamente el Aviso de Privacidad de cada uno de los sitios que visita en Internet. Tome en cuenta también que al dar clic en iconos de redes sociales o similares, su información se transmitirá automáticamente a dichos sitios. Por ejemplo, el botón de “Me gusta” en Facebook, transmite la información directamente a esta compañía.
MEDIDAS DE SEGURIDAD DERECHOS CON RESPECTO A SUS DATOS PERSONALES Lo anterior, a través del envío de su solicitud en los términos establecidos por la Ley al correo electrónico: o al domicilio especificado en el primer párrafo del presente. Para su fácil referencia, se describen brevemente los derechos ARCO: Acceso.- que se le informe cuáles de sus datos personales están contenidos en las bases de datos de Travelian, para qué se utilizan dichos datos personales, el origen y las comunicaciones que se hayan realizado con los mismos y, en general, las condiciones y generalidades del tratamiento. CAMBIOS AL AVISO DE PRIVACIDAD CONTACTO |